Writing a book is hard. Writing a non-fiction book is a different kind of hard. Unlike fiction, you have to do a nonfiction book proposal first. The proposal is basically an outline of your book with sample chapters and a marketing plan. My book proposal for Are You Shitting Me?! How to Survive, Thrive and Transform Through Colorectal Cancer is 92 pages. I have to give a shout out to Rea Frey without whom I would have never finished the proposal. Then you shop your proposal to agents and publishers who are looking for writers with author platforms that have tens of thousands of followers on social media and email, generating a pool from which to garner book sales. I’m not complaining, because I’m certainly not afraid of nor do I shy away from hard work. Like most of my readers, I suspect, I work full time, try to have some semblance of a life, and have had my fair share of setbacks over the past few years, which made it hard to build that platform.

That’s why I’m so excited to share that my book is available to pre-order through Publishizer. As of tonight, I have 11 days left out of a 30-day campaign during which I’ve attracted the attention of two publishers and sold 28 pre-orders. If I reach 200 pre-orders, my proposal will be shared with 30 publishers. My book is for those battling colorectal cancer or any other type of cancer or illness, those with colon diseases that put them at risk for colorectal cancer, millennials who have experienced a disturbing uptick in colorectal cancer cases in recent years, and quite frankly, anyone who has experienced or is experiencing some sort of trauma, because I share a shit ton of coping techniques that helped me through the scariest time of my life.

Here, with more detail, is me.

I’ve gone way outside my comfort zone to share my story, but I do so with the purpose of helping others. Please pre-order a copy or copies of my book and share with as many people as you can.

If you pre-order a single copy or multiple copies in the next 10 1/2 days, you can get one or more of the following bonuses:

  • First 200 pre-orders $25 each, free shipping) get a signed copy!
  • Pre-order 5 copies ($150) and get a free journal/planner!
  • Pre-order 25 copies ($625) and get a free coaching session for your group!
  • Pre-order 60 copies ($1,500), and I will include a workshop at no cost to your group!
  • Pre-order 200 copies ($5,000), and I will deliver a keynote address to your group at no cost and include a book signing!
  • Pre-order 400 copies ($10,000), and I will provide special acknowledgment across my social media and in each digital and hard copy!

I’ve been truly humbled at the support my campaign has received so far. Thanks so much to everyone who has pre-ordered. You are my reason why.